Tuesday, April 1, 2014

woman rising

woman rising


I am rise of the new woman

created within image of divinity

I am page and palette

I am infinite destiny


I am  rise of the new woman

conjuring wisdom within my plight

I am dispelling manmade illusions

created by evil in night


I am rise of the new woman

quietly healing mother earth

I am fertility cradling crescent

engendering awakening’s birth


I am rise of the new woman

denied my goddess too long

I am more than immaculate miracle…

I am the spiritualist’s song


I am rise of the new woman

storyteller setting us free

I am creating new holy words,

re-writing our life’s book history.


I am rise of the new woman

mother to all humankind

I am a happy beginning.

I am peace in our time.

“A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts.”
-words by Nancy Rathburn // image by Akageno Saru